The joys of rewriting

“Revision is one of the true pleasures of writing. I love the flowers of afterthought.” ~Bernard Malamud

I saw this quote on another blog (well worth a read – The Urban Muse: 30 Writing Quotes to Kick Off 2011.) and it’s so apt for me this week, because I have FINISHED the book. Yes, all that scribbling (lots) and procrastinating (far more) has got somewhere at last. I already know the last two pages are rubbish but that is what rewriting is for. At least they’re done. In fact I’ve followed the advice from another quote on the blog above, “Don’t get it right, just get it written.” ~James Thurber

And so my overwhelming emotion at finishing it is just sheer relief. I’m not really thinking past the rewriting stage for now. I know I have a lot of work to do before I can send the book to anyone with a view to getting it published. While that is of course the ultimate dream  I feel a huge sense of achievement at just having finished my first novel. (I don’t tend to count the one I wrote when I was twelve, given that it was a complete rip-off of my beloved Chalet School series.) Although this book is much shorter than The Irish Bride’s Survival Guide I found writing fiction so much more difficult, on so many levels, so I am really quite proud of myself for sticking with it and getting it finished. Whether it’s any good or not is a whole other question.

And so to rewriting. Even as I was going along I was thinking of things I wanted to change in earlier sections, but given how long it takes me to write anything in the first place (three years to write 35,000 words. I’ll never be able to write adult fiction, that’s for sure. I won’t live long enough) I made myself not think about it too much and just Get It Written. So I have a long list of notes for myself about what bits I need to add in, take out or rewrite. Actually I have several very scribbly lists. One in my beautiful writing notebook which a friend gave me (thanks Denise!). One in the refill pad I’ve written most of the book in. One in another random notebook. Several on the back of printed out sheets. I’m very organised as you can see.

So I need to put all these lists together, print out the book and get started on the second draft. Which sounds like work, but compared to writing the bloody thing in the first place it is going to be an absolute joy. I’d take rewriting over writing any day. I’m sure it will be a struggle in parts but at least I won’t be facing that God-awful terror of staring at a blank page wondering how the hell I’m going to fill it. (I’m so looking forward to starting the next book. Not.)

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